Take a moment to think about your job. It may have it’s challenges, but aren’t you grateful to have it? In general, it’s important to show your company that you appreciate the opportunity to be there and recognize the effort your team puts in. Showing gratitude will benefit your relationship with your boss and advance your career. Here are five ways to show you’re grateful for your job.
Be punctual
It all starts with punctuality. Show your boss you respect the company and their procedures. They don’t need to start their day waiting to see when decide to show up. That creates a headache for everyone! Infrequent lateness is okay—traffic was bad, your babysitter is sick, or the bus broke down—but if you can help it, be on time, or even a few minutes early. In any event, show up enthusiastic and ready to work the full day!
Offer to do more
Every office has different standards for what it means to do extra. It might mean offering to work overtime, taking over the duties of a sick co-worker, or helping to mentor a new hire. Never shy away from the chance to take on additional responsibilities- but only if you can handle the workload. You don’t want your required work to fall through the cracks or begin the fast-track to burnout. Remember that you’re trying to add value to an organization and contribute to its overall health and growth. Your efforts will be appreciated and will go a long way when it’s time for your performance review.
Be agreeable
“It’s not my job” is not a good answer when your boss asks you to do something. They want people who are eager to contribute and do what’s needed. If you’re already overwhelmed with other duties and can’t help this time, it’s fine to admit that. Simply say that you’re already swamped, but to consider you for next time they need someone to take on an additional task. Smile and apologize and assure them that you’re willing, just unable. In order to show you’re grateful for your job, it’s important to be agreeable while still remaining honest about the workload you can handle.
Always say thank you
Show your appreciation for any compliment, award, praise, or opportunity you’re given. It never hurts to say thank you and it even pays off. Your employer will remember how grateful you were for their kind words and, as a result, will keep sending them your way.
Be honest and direct
If you have a question, complaint, or concern about your work, be upfront and professional with your boss. Make an appointment or ask to speak with them in private. Be clear and honest. Indirect communication or complaining to others wastes time and doesn’t accomplish much. It’s far more efficient to go directly to your boss so they can help you problem-solve. Everyone needs to respect proper lines of communication for the company to be successful.
For more tips on showing you’re grateful for your job, check out our website at https://www.chiefofstaffkc.com.
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