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Why Positive Workplace Relationships Are So Important

Blog / December 27, 2018

Sad, but true, most people spend more waking hours at work with co-workers than at home with family and friends. So it’s important to get along with these people so you can work together and enjoy all that time you get to spend with them! Here are some reasons why it’s important to develop positive workplace relationships. 

Teamwork makes the dream work

When people get to know each other well, they start to establish trust and respect for one another. So when you can trust your coworkers, you’ll start to rely on each other for innovative ideas and to collaborate on important tasks. Reach out to your coworkers and offer to help them when you can. They’ll return the favor when you need it, and teamwork is established!  

Friendships boost morale

When you get along with your co-workers, you’ll find yourself looking forward to heading to work and spending time with them. Meetings become fun, instead of an annoyance! If you’re stiff and unfriendly to the people working around you, they’ll be the same to you, and those long hours at work will start to drain you instead of energize you. So, make friends and have a blast! Just make sure you’re getting your work done, too.

Happy employees are more loyal

The more connected you are to your coworkers, the greater satisfaction you’ll find with your job and the longer you’ll stay at your company. Over time, you’ll probably move up or get promoted, so those positive relationships will be even more important. Remember that trusting friendships take time to develop, so if it doesn’t happen right away, don’t fret. It takes effort. Ask your coworkers open-ended questions about themselves and share some of your personal life with them as well. Invite them to lunch or to grab a quick coffee, and offer to do a favor for them when you can. 

Fulfillment plus engagement equals productivity

Happy employees work harder and are naturally more productive. You’ll be more engaged in your work, more connected to those around you, and try hard not to let your coworkers down. And they’ll work just as hard not to let you down. Your goals will naturally align with the company’s goals, so you’ll all work your hardest to grow the company and help it become successful. 

Friend with benefits

One of the best reasons to make sure you’re on good terms with your coworkers is that you never know when that relationship with benefit you down the road. They might end up being your boss some day or providing a valuable reference when you go for a promotion or another job. Or when you’re a supervisor some day, looking to make a hire, you might have a pool of perfect candidates amongst your former colleagues.


For more tips on how to develop beneficial relationships in the workplace, check out our website at

Blog written by Erin Greenhalgh