Negotiating your salary to get the pay you deserve is a tricky and intimidating task. You want to get enough to feel financially secure, but you don’t want to offend the hiring manager by asking for too much. The good news is your employer wants you to be happy so you’ll feel appreciated and loyal. Here are six tips to help you get the salary you deserve.
Time it right
Don’t bring up salary until your employer does, which likely won’t be until after the interview process is over. In the meantime, do your research. Find a similar job in the same geographic area, industry and company size, so you know what’s reasonable. If you seem well prepared, your requests are more likely to be considered.
Prepare your number
Give a salary range to show you’re flexible. Use odd, precise numbers, such as $39,700. This implies you’ve done research, you know what competitive salaries for your position are and you have a solid idea about how much you need to live comfortably. Rounded numbers, such as $50,000, seem vague, like you pulled a number out of thin air.
Once you have your number, hold firm. If you drastically change your expectations or seem doubtful halfway through the process, you’ll lose credibility. They won’t trust the research behind your original number and they might even question your integrity, wondering if you’re greedy or simply unprepared.
Don’t over-ask
You can counteroffer, but don’t do it more than once. And be open to replacing additional salary you might be wishing for with alternative benefits. Consider a one-time hiring bonus, some extra vacation time, or a flex schedule. See if they’ll allow you to work four 10-hour days per week and take the fifth day off. Or work from home once a week. Sometimes these options are more cost-effective for the company and more desirable for your work-life balance.
Remind them of your value
Reiterate your qualifications and education level. Tie your request to your company’s mission and goals. Remind them what skills you bring to the company and what problems you can help solve.
Show eagerness
Be excited, but not too excited. Over-eagerness, nearing the point of desperation, is often a red flag to hiring managers. But showing genuine enthusiasm will help persuade them because they’ll expect engagement and company loyalty.
Be honest
Never lie about your current salary in hopes of getting a higher offer. Recruiters can easily find out the truth, especially when they check references. And remember that any employer might withdraw their offer if they feel your requests are excessive. Stay humble but confident. Be prepared with reasonable numbers and honest about what you want.
For more information on how to make sure you’re best prepared for the next step in your career, check out our website at https://www.chiefofstaffkc.com.
Blog written by Erin Greenhalgh