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How to Keep Candidates Engaged During Interview Process

Blog / September 23, 2024

Keeping candidates engaged during your interview process doesn’t have to be difficult. Let’s bring it back to the basics.


Have strong communication.

Communication is key. First and foremost, be up front and honest during the entire interview process. As long as you keep your candidates in the loop, they’ll know where they stand.

Explain what to expect regarding the timeline and expectations for your interview process. If you end up not moving forward with a candidate and they ask what they’re lacking in or how they could improve, be honest.

Bonus tip– If you plan on making a quick decision, stick to it. For example, don’t tell a candidate you have multiple interviews before the end of the week and then give an offer the next day. This sheds a negative light on how you value an interviewee’s time.


Show interest in the whole person, not just as a future employee.

People want to feel valued in the workplace. Give candidates a glimpse into the appreciation they would receive on a day-to-day basis. During the interview process, ask questions not only about experience and skillset, but about their passions and hobbies. Show interest in them as a whole person, not just as a possible employee. When you are engaged, you’ll keep your candidates engaged.


Showcase your company culture.

Have fun showcasing your company culture. Candidates are drawn to workplaces they can see themselves being happy in. If a candidate feels they may be a good culture fit, they will show interest and stay engaged.


Research your candidates as much as they research you.

Your candidates will research you. Are you researching them? “In 2018, nearly three quarters of candidates conducted their own research (70.5%), a trend that’s held steady for the past few years,” according to the North American Candidate Experience Research Report conducted by Talent Board. Explore their LinkedIn page, socials, and speak with their references.

Make an effort to fully understand each candidate to keep them engaged in the interview process.


Respect your candidates’ time.

Be mindful of each candidates’ time. Your interview process doesn’t need to have seven steps to be thorough. If people are dropping out, you’re taking too long. The lower the role, the shorter the process should be. For example, if it’s an entry-level role, a phone/virtual interview and one in-person interview should do the trick. Make your decision in one week.

For a higher-level role, leadership candidates may need to meet with several team members. Be respectful of their time by having them come in during a half day to complete all interview conversations at once instead of having them come back four separate times to talk to each team member. Every organization will be different depending on the size of your company.


All in all… 

Be honest. Respect your candidates’ time. Stay transparent.

Follow these tips and listen to your recruiter for the best hiring process.


Written by Kendall Jackson

Marketing Specialist at Chief of Staff KC


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