IMAGINE. It’s the morning of your interview and the light streams in through your window bringing you out of your comfortable sleep pattern. You get up to prepare for your interview only to find out that your ten-year-old has also awakened with a headache. She stresses you out when she can’t find her tablet then, the family dog begins to throw up on your rug right as the cat jumps up to be near you and knocks your coffee off the counter top.
You think to yourself, “Could it get any worse? Well, at least I know what I’m wearing today and I have everything else ready to go.” You choose to count your blessings and proceed to give your daughter Tylenol, find her tablet, clean up the messes created by the dog and cat and somehow still manage to slip out the door in just enough time to make it to your interview. Despite a near nervous breakdown, you still had one thing still intact; the perfect plan.
This story is a little dramatic but it can happen and we want to make a point. That point being, we can have everything ready and perfect and yet unexpected things happen. But what really matters? Knowing that unforeseen things can come up the day of an interview and know how to be prepared for it.
We’ve always been told to expect the unexpected so let’s look at some of those things that will make you more prepared if you find yourself having one of those mornings on the day of your interview.
- It is always a positive move to drive the route to your interview in advance so that you already know exactly where you are going and how long it takes. (make sure you are accounting for traffic, any construction work going on that route, etc.)
- Make sure your vehicle always has a full tank of gas.
- Make sure to have your outfit and accessories picked out the night before going to the interview. It doesn’t hurt to try it on to make sure it fits well and is ironed, etc.
- Have your interview questions prepared and your research about the Company done the night before. Do not assume that you will have time the morning of the interview.
- If you have children, be sure you have a backup plan for someone who can watch the in case they get sick during the night or wake up not well.
- A good rule to live by is to always make sure to give yourself a little extra time the morning of the interview. Why not? It can’t hurt.
All of this can help ensure you show up on time and don’t start off on the wrong foot by having to reschedule an interview. You may not get a second chance!