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Career Tips Your Father Would Approve Of

Career Tips Your Father Would Approve Of

Blog / June 3, 2021

Most of us, no matter how old we are, still crave approving nods from our parents as we navigate our careers. After all, they know us better than anyone, want what’s best for us, and are armed with wise perspectives that come from a lifetime of experience. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether to follow your dreams or whether to heed the more pragmatic advice of Dad. Here are seven pieces of traditional career advice that would probably make your parents proud.

Treat mistakes as opportunities

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes because they can teach you so much. They might be difficult or embarrassing, but they offer the chance to grow and develop. Never stop learning! Ask questions and ask for help. You don’t have to take advice from everyone, but at least hear them out. You never know where the best ideas and inspiration will come from!

Keep a clean workspaceCareer Tips Your Father Would Approve Of

Be organized! Have a planner or an online calendar. Set reminders for yourself for meetings and appointments. And create systems that help you keep track of your belongings—both at home and at work.

Be yourself

Just be authentic! Be honest and transparent with yourself and with those you work with. This will help you maintain integrity and award you peace of mind.

Keep a good balance

It’s important to have a work-life balance. Make time for friends and family, for hobbies, and for taking care of your body and mind. Exercise and eat healthy—it’s hard to be your best self at work if you’re in bad health.

Persevere and don’t quit

Most parents don’t want to see their children ever give up. With enough practice and determination, you can excel at almost everything. Your father can remind you that the best things in life never come easy.

Have a positive attitudeCareer Tips Your Father Would Approve Of

Make friends with everyone you come into contact with and be open to input from your colleagues and bosses. A bad attitude can be a reason for being fired and it can be the cause of poor performance at work. A positive and proactive problem solver can tackle any problem and handle new responsibilities with ease. Eventually, those are the types of people who become successful!

Don’t be afraid of rejection

Try something new. Put yourself out there and take a risk. Don’t hesitate to ask a question or admit you don’t know something. Rejection can be an opportunity, not a setback. You never know what you can get if you just ask for something, so go ahead and negotiate a raise! If you don’t get it, your boss will know you want it and might consider it later on.

For more information on how to seek out the next step in your career, check out our website at